Job Information
Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services Office Secretary II in Cumberland, Maryland
Reviews and composes correspondence, statements, tables, forms, and
Occasionally complex subject matter in order to relieve staff and
Fiscal Services Chief of operational details by demonstrating theAbility to work independently on complex and confidential secretarialTasks utilizing proper office procedures and practices on MicrosoftWord, Excel, EIMS, Gmail, etc., and access as needed by theBusiness/Finance Office and Correctional Staff.
Education: Graduation from an accredited high school or possession of a high school equivalency certificate.
Experience: Two years performing secretarial or clerical work involving typing duties.
Additional secretarial or clerical experience may be substituted on a year-for-year basis for the required education.
Thirty credit hours with a major in secretarial science or office technology from an accredited college may be substituted at the rate of thirty credits for one year of experience for up to two years of the required experience.
Candidates may substitute U.S. Armed Forces military service experience as a non-commissioned officer in Administration classifications or Administrative, Clerical, or Office Services specialty codes in the Administrative Support field of work on a year-for-year basis for the required experience.
1) Willing to work in a correctional facility
2) Experience providing customer service for internal and external customers through email, phone calls, and/or in person.
3) Experience using Microsoft Word and Google Platform.
Demonstrated ability to accurately type on a keyboard of a personal computer at a minimum of forty words per minute may be required, depending on the specific requirements of the position.
Please make sure that you provide sufficient information on your application to show that you meet the qualifications for this recruitment. All information concerning your qualifications must be submitted by the closing date.We will not consider information submitted after this date.Successful candidates will be ranked as Best Qualified, Better Qualified, or Qualified and placed on theeligible (employment) list for at least one year.
The assessment may consist of a rating of your education, training, and experience related to the requirements of the position.It is important that you provide complete and accurate information on your application.Please report all experience and education that is related to this position.
Online applications are highly recommended. However, if you are unableto apply online, the paper application and supplemental questionnaire maybe emailed to hr.recruitmentuser@maryland.gov or faxed to 410-484-5928. Paper application materials must be received in our office by the closing datefor the recruitment.
If you are submitting additional information, the preferred method isto upload it with your application. All uploaded additional informationmust be received by the closing date and time. If you are unable to upload, please email the requested information to hr.recruitmentuser@maryland.govreferencing the recruitment number in the subject line, or fax to410-484-5928(providing a cover sheet with your contact information, recruitment name, recruitment number and the number of pages faxed). Onlyadditional materials that are requested will be accepted for thisrecruitment.
For questions regarding this recruitment, please contact the Departmentof Public Safety and Correctional Services, HRSD-Recruitment Division at410-585-3999.
If you are having difficulties with submitting your nlineapplication, please contact the DBM Recruitment and Examination Division atApplication.Help@maryland.gov Application.Help@maryland.gov or 410-767-4850.
Wayne DavisWayneR.Davis@maryland.gov
We thank our Veterans for their service to our country.
People with disabilities and bilingual candidates are encouraged to apply.