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Job Information

City of Lima Communications Operator in Lima, Ohio

Job Classification: Communications Operator


The Lima Civil Service Board announces an open and competitive examination for the position of COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR (EMERGENCY DISPATCHER). Candidates must take the ECOMM National exam through NTN{rel="nofollow"} and complete the Candidate PHQ (Personal History Questionnaire). To be considered, candidates MUST also complete the Typing Simulation and Computer Skills Test by logging in to your account portal.


Candidates must submit application and take examination.

  1. Testing for the position must be completed through the National Testing Network{rel="nofollow"}


  2. Application process is online at{rel="nofollow"}


*Continuous Testing: *

The City of Lima offers CONTINUOUS TESTING. Candidates who pass the exam with 70% or higher will be certified to the eligible list.


Rate of Pay: $27.20 per hour



Residents of Allen Co, OH may receive a voucher to cover the cost of the entry-level exam.  Candidates must show proof of residency

Contact Civil Service Board @


Examination Process: Testing for the position must be completed through the National Testing Network{rel="nofollow"}  When you visit the 
