Merakey Jobs

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Job Information

Rotolo Consultants, Inc. Landscape Laborer in Port Arthur, Texas

1.State the employers name and contact information.

Company name:Rotolo Consultants, Inc.

Address:38001 Brownsvillage Road, Slidell, Louisiana 70460

Contact person:Angelina Halstead

Contact title:Human Resources Director

Phone:(985) 643-2427

Fax:(985) 643-2691

2.Indicate that the job opportunity is a temporary, full-time position, including the total number of job openings the employer intends to fill.

Nature:temporary full-time positions

Job openings:30Landscape laborers

3.Describe the job opportunity for which certification is sought with sufficient information to apprise U.S. workers of the services or labor to be performed, including the duties, the minimum education and experience requirements, the work hours and days, and the anticipated start and end dates of the job opportunity.

Job duties:Laborers will be needed for turf care, pruning, fertilization, irrigation system maintenance and repair, general clean up and installation of mortarless segmental concrete masonry wall units.


Experience:3 months landscape

Hours/shift/days:40 hours/week (6:00am-2:30pm); day shift; Mon-Fri, may include wknd/hol.

Start-end dates:04/01/2025-12/15/2025

Additional requirements:Drug testing. Drug-testing requirement is applied "pre-hire." All drug testing will be carried out equally between the U.S. workers and the H-2B workers.

4.Indicate the geographic area of intended employment with enough specificity to apprise applicants of any travel requirements and where applicants will likely have to reside to perform the services or labor.

Office location:1500 Procter St, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640

Area of intended employment:Jefferson County

5.Specify the wage that the employer is offering, intends to offer, or will provide to H-2B workers, or, in the event that there are multiple wage offers (such as where an itinerary is authorized through special procedures for an employer), the range of wage offers, and ensure that the wage offer equals or exceeds the highest of the prevailing wage or the Federal, State, or local minimum wage.


Range:Raises, bonuses, or incentives dependent on job performance.

6.If applicable, specify that overtime will be available to the worker and the wage offer(s) for working any overtime hours.


7.If applicable, state that on-the-job training will be provided to the worker.

OJT provided.

8.State that the employer will use a single workweek as its standard for computing wages due Employer will use a single workweek as its standard for computing wages due.

Employer will use a single workweek as its standard for computing wages due.

9.Specify the frequency with which the worker will be paid, which must be at least every two weeks or according to the prevailing practice in the area of intended employment, whichever is more frequent.

Payroll is weekly

10.If the employer provides the worker with the option of board, lodging, or other facilities, including fringe benefits, or intends to assist workers to secure such lodging, disclose the provision and cost of the board, lodging, or other facilities, including fringe benefits or assistance to be provided.

Housing optional - $150/week (rent and utilities). $300 housing deposit, refundable based on weekly inspection.

11.State that the employer will make all deductions from the workers paycheck required by law. Specify any deductions the employer intends to make from the workers paycheck which are not required by law, including, if applicable, any deductions for the reasonable cost of board, lodging, or other facilities.

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